Thursday, September 19, 2013

Apple Picking - Skytop Orchard

Hendersonville, NC is kind of known for Apples.  Every year over Labor Day we have an entire festival and parade dedicated just to Apples.  You may also be interested to know that apples from Hendersonville, NC are used in Gerber baby food.  There are tons of apple growers in this county, and many of them offer the option to pick your own apples.  In fact Trey and I live within 10 minutes of Skytop Orchard, which as it turns out is a pretty popular "pick your own" orchard and we had no idea it was even popular! 

To be honest my first experience with Skytop Orchard and actually picking apples was last year when I took Lexie to a birthday party for one of her friends, which was being held there.  I'm not going to lie I was pretty blown away with the place and it was packed!  She had so much fun and I thought, this place is great I've got to bring Addie and Trey back next year.  And that's exactly what we did two weekends ago.

Both girls loved getting an extra lift from Trey to pick apples high up.  

By this point Lexie was getting tired of picking apples and ready to go enjoy some time on the playground.  With promises of an apple cider slushy later we were able to convince her to keep going until we had our bucket full.

With our bucket full we went inside to bag the apples, pay for them and get a much needed snack.

2 apple cider sippers, 2 apple cider slushies, apple slices with caramel and a half dozen apple cider donuts later we were ready for the playground!  On a side note, those apple cider donuts were AMAZING, if you ever go you must try some.  They cook them fresh and honestly were selling them faster than they could be made.

It was a really fun family adventure, one we'll definitely be repeating next apple season!

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