Sunday, April 22, 2012


Easter Sunday we were blessed with a beautiful sunny and surprisingly warm day.  We started the day with church and ended with another egg hunt and dinner at our house with both sets of grandparents.  Lexie really got into the thrill of hunting eggs this year, and Addie even found some, although what she enjoyed the most was taking them apart and snapping them back together again.

My favorite story from the Easter Season was Lexie's response to to my answer of what would happen if she didn't wear her seat belt in the car...
As always I answered its because if we were in an accident she could get hurt much more worse without those things and if the injuries were bad enough she may die.  That particular morning her response was as follows:  "well, that's ok mom because Jesus died on the cross and he came back so I can come back also." 
I have to say that response totally caught me off guard!  I explained to her it wouldn't be the same and the reasons why, but it was still so precious she thought it was a simple solution and if Jesus came back, then so would she and there would be no reason for me to worry.  Clearly she has been paying attention to the stories and lessons at school and church!  

More Easter Fun...

A tradition with my family growing up was of course egg dying.  In fact, last year we dyed them early when Krystal and Uncle Bryan were in town visiting just so we could do it together.   Last year I discovered Lexie got a little bored waiting for the eggs to sit in the dye so this year we decided to take a more hands on approach and paint them.  She loved it!


Addie was to young to help out with the eggs, but she was perfectly happy to sit with a snack and watch her big sister!

Aunt Allison's Easter Peep's present...this year it ended up being a homemade frame which will soon be filled with a picture of the girls eating Peep's.  I have to say I'm pretty excited with this one, hopefully she will love it (we haven't officially exchanged Peep's gifts yet, this will happen the last weekend of April)!

Some pictures from egg hunting

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