Thursday, February 9, 2012

Learning to Ski

Over the Christmas break we decided to take Lexie on her first ski adventure.  Trey's dad, who Lexie calls Augraddy, is not only a great skier but a really good instructor.  While in college and during the first few years of his marriage he used to be a ski instructor in the winter months.  Both Trey and Augraddy had been talking to and getting Lexie both interested in and excited about skiing.  Not to mention she had been watching a dvd of her favorite show Caillou, where in one episode he goes skiing.  I myself have only been one time and that was on a youth trip in high school, or maybe it was middle school.  I don't remember much, other than I was terrified and I don't think I ever made it off the bunny slope!

Trey and his dad were convinced this was the perfect time to teach Lexie to ski because children at her age are typically fearless.  I on the other hand was incredibly nervous to let her go!  However, Lexie really wanted to go, infact it was all she had been talking about for weeks.

We went on the Friday after Christmas to Cataloochee along with a what felt like a million other people.  After getting her suited in skis and gear Augraddy took Lexie to the area just outside the bunny slopes.  The first thing he did was go down the small decline while holding onto her, so she could feel what it was like. 

That only lasted about twice and she was ready to do it all by herself.  Aunt Allison would take her up and then Augraddy would stand down at the bottom to catch her.  She loved it!  A few more runs and she no longer wanted Augraddy to catch her.  Next thing we know she is ready to go down the bunny slope so up she and Augraddy go.  Two times down the bunny slope then she was begging to ride the chair lift and go down the big mountain.

I think they went down the green slope at least three times.  While doing the big mountain Augraddy did rig up some rope and teether himself to her so she wouldn't completely loose control.  Nevertheless she LOVED the entire experience and has been begging to go back ever since.  I was so proud of her for being so adventerous!

When she first started her lesson with Augraddy a reporter came up to us from The Smoky Mountain News.  She said she had been watching Lexie having fun and wanted to ask us a few questions.  A couple of weeks later this article appeared in the newspaper!

Needless to say, and being the proud parents that we are, we have several copies of the newspaper in which the article appeared put up for safekeeping.  It was a really fun experience and one that none of us will ever forget.

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