Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Fall Fun at Eliada's Corn Maze - 2013

I'm a little embarrassed to admit it's been almost a whole year since I've updated this blog.  It's seems as though I have been a little bit slack.  I went through some major changes at work this past year and it's taken me a while to find a way to balance everything again, but I'm glad to be back at it.  And while this was an activity from 2013, it was super fun to look back at these pictures and it definitely puts me in the mood for some fall fun!

We were invited to join some friends on an adventure to Eliada's Corn Maze.  I hadn't ever heard of it before but after a quick internet search we quickly decided it sounded like a place the kids would love.

Here we are with an inflatable Spookly the Square Pumpkin.  Do you know who Spookly is???  It's ok if you don't because honestly I hadn't ever heard of him before either.  But by the end of the day we went home with his book and had our DVR set to record the movie the next time it came on.  I'm telling you if you're kids haven't heard of him before they will love him, its all about being different and how that's ok.  We read the book (and Addie pretended to read) so many times that by Christmas the pages were coming loose.

Our fist activity was shooting down pumpkin men with potato guns!  And let me tell you both the kids and the adults LOVED this activity.

They also had giant pipe slides....

A spider web climbing next...

A corn sandbox...

And of course everyone's favorite a cow train!

One of the things I loved most about this particular corn maze was they have a children's maze version that follows a story book.  It was perfect for our kids and their short attention span!

We rounded out the day's fun with a good old fashion hay ride.  You'll notice in the picture below Lexie doesn't look super thrilled, it turns out she was not a fan of the itchy hay.

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