Monday, March 26, 2012

Addie Turns 1

Saturday, March 3rd we celebrated Addie's first birthday.  Even as I am writing this I cannot believe a whole year has already passed!  While our first year with her went by fast it was filled with many wonderful memories...first smiles, first words, learning to crawl, learning to walk (which happened 1 week before her birthday), learning to give love to Mommy and Daddy and the list goes on.

It is always amazing to me that when children are born they come into this world with their own individual personality and that as parents we get to witness those personalities grow and develop.  In no time at all you figure out what gets them excited, what frightens them, what foods they like and which ones they want nothing to do with.  It was around Christmas when I discovered Addie's love for balloons.  "Uncle" Matt and Abbie gave Lexie and Trey this shark, which with a controller you can "swim" through the house.  In addition to the shark they provided us with one of those helium tanks you can buy to blow up balloons yourself at home.  The tank came with a package of balloons, so once the shark was inflated we blew up some balloons for the girls to play with.  The look on Addie's face the next morning, when the balloons had floated back down, was of pure delight!  Then, on Valentine's Day, Mimi and Papaw, gave each of the girls a mylar balloon attached to a weight.  Addie crawled around with hers for days and days.

When it came time to pick a theme and plan her party I wanted to do something that she would truly love and have fun being at.  Let's be honest a first birthday party is as much about celebrating the child's birth as it is about celebrating the fact that as parents you survived the first year.  Another very important thing I wanted to take into consideration is that Addie doesn't love being the center of attention (this is the polar opposite of Lexie).  Therefore, I wanted something that when Addie woke up from her afternoon nap she would get really excited to see.  The answer was easy, it simply had to be all about balloons.

The morning of the party Trey and I blew up balloons, sewed them together in groups of four with dental floss (his idea, but to my surprise worked really well) then strung the groupings together to create a balloon banner.  Next we hung the banner so that it would stretch above our fireplace and we sat out pictures of Addie from her first year along the mantel.

Continuing with the theme we proceeded to decorate the rest of the living room and breakfast area with even more balloons!


Our goal was accomplished because Addie absolutely loved having so many balloons to look at and even though she was not feeling 100% (yes the week before her birthday she had an ear infection and both she and Lexie had tested positive for RSV...not a fun week) she seemed to cheer up for the party.  No tears were shed, even with a house full of people, which could have been overwhelming for such a little person!

Her birthday menu consisted of Caesar Salad, Spaghetti with Homemade Meatballs, Stuffed Shells, Garlic Bread, Birthday Cake, Rice Krispies Treats and Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Her favorite part of the meal...the cake!



Addie also enjoyed getting to open presents, although I think Lexie had more fun being the big sister who got to "help."

It was a fun party and a great way to celebrate the first year of her life with us.  As she gets older she won't remember how we celebrated her first birthday but she will have this picture frame with the signatures of everyone who attended as well as a quilt made from the fabric we used to decorate with and we can tell her all about it!

We are so excited to see what the next year of her life bring us!

Having a pre-party snack with Aunt Allison

First taste of sweet tea

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Weekend at Snowshoe

This past weekend Trey and I left the girls behind with our parents and joined some friends in Snowshoe, WV for some winter fun.  I was pretty excited to go, not necessarily for the skiing, but also because they offer snowmobiling.  I LOVE snowmobiling, it is something I had the opportunity to do for many years after Christmas with my parents.  It is also something I haven't had the chance to do since having kids.

The weekend before we were to leave on our mini-vacation we searched snowmobile tours to find one we could go ahead and book in advance.  To my disappointment they were no available openings.  Clearly we should have planned further ahead.  I am not going to lie, I was completely bummed.  Snowmobiling was something Trey and I were going to do just the two of us and I am not a skier.  So, Trey suggests that maybe I take a ski lesson and then afterward he and I can ski together.  He really wanted me to learn to ski, especially now that he has Lexie so excited about it.  Not to mention he wants to go on this week long ski trip to Colorado with his family next winter.  I conceded and agreed to the lesson.  All week I was nervous about taking the lesson!

Friday morning, the day of my lesson, we get up and get all our snow gear on.  Planning ahead we picked up my rental equipment the night before so all we have to do that morning is get our lift ticket and head to the lesson.  As we are waiting for a shuttle, in the rain, we hear that the slopes have just been closed due to lightning in the area.  At this point we decide we should ask one of our friends to just drive us down to the lesson, since the shuttles are busy getting people off the mountain, and in case they do re-open and the lesson happens I don't want to be late.

Once we are dropped off we head to the area where the lesson is going to happen and wait for further information.  The instructors let us know that just as soon as the slopes re-open the lesson will begin.  We continue to wait, the rain stops, but then the wind starts.  Now not only are the slopes under a lightning advisory they are now also under a wind advisory, which means the lesson is going to be pushed even further back so the instructors tell us to go home and come back at 1:30.  While on the one hand I am thinking maybe this is a sign that I should just throw in the towel on this whole skiing thing another part of me is grateful that I am finally comfortable moving around in ski boots (it only took 2 hours of waiting), which has to mean once I strap into the skis I won't feel as awkward. 

The slopes re-open and I arrive back at 1:30 slightly less nervous ready to do something besides wait around.  I am kind of relieved to discover that the lesson is with about 8 other girls, who like me have had zero ski experience.  The instructor, whose name I cannot remember, was great.  He was a no nonsense kind of guy who tells you straight up what to expect, what to do, doesn't care to hear excuses all while being encouraging and teaching us the basics of what we need to know.  Straight up skiing is not a sport to be fearful about.  You just have to put your fears aside and go for it, because being fearful will probably be what gets us beginners hurt the quickest.

After learning the basics and practicing using those skills down the training section he sends us up a chairlift.  Now, one of my biggest fears was the chairlift.  I have a huge fear of heights and in my mind I assumed as soon as you got off the chair lift you had to head straight down the mountain with no time to prepare.  The instructor told us exactly what we needed to do to get on the lift and what we needed to do to get off.  You have 6 seconds to get off, don't wait until the 7th second or your going to be in trouble!  The first time was a little less than smooth but not as bad as I had anticipated.  We went up the chair lift at least 4 if not 5 times and each one was easier and easier.  In fact at the end of the day it is the one thing I had the most confidence in myself about.

At the conclusion of the lesson Trey was back, waiting on me, hoping I would be up for some skiing with him.  He was really patient with me and we went down the slope I had been practicing on a few more times before we headed down some other green slopes.  We must have skied together for at least another 2 hours, until the daytime slopes closed.  I had so much more fun than I ever expected to have, and in fact enjoyed myself more than I thought I would.  That's not to say I didn't fall a lot, because I did!  I was exhausted when we returned to the room and I was incredibly sore the next two days, but I am not going to lie...I am looking forward to going again!

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